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Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $189.78
Date Created : Jul 31, 2010 23:34:12
Lovelace Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM. Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology held on March 29-30, 1995. 22 contributors, 19 U.S. DNLM: Air Pollutants adverse effects - congresses.
±1±: Now is the time Lu's Basic Toxicology: Fundamentals, Target Organs, and Risk Assessment, Fifth Edition Order Today!
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Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $107.34
Date Created : May 23, 2010 05:34:05
Decades of research and teaching experience are compiled in the authoritative and highly awaited new edition of this classic text.
For the utmost in reader convenience and comprehension, Lu's Basic Toxicology uses easy-to-understand terminology, and separate subject and chemical indexes.
Providing clarity and insight into this rapidly evolving subject, this guide provides new information on:
over-the-counter preparations
occupational toxicology
Written by two key opinion leaders in toxicology, this text also covers the essentials of:
why chemicals target specific organs and systems, and commonly used procedures for assessing risk associated with these chemicals
chemicals that cause: cancer, mutations, congenital malformations, and organ or system specific effects
host and environmental factors that modify the effects of specific chemicals, including: food additives; pesticides; metals; pollutants in air, water, and soil; and toxicants encountered in workplaces