Lung plagued is the view of the network formed scary Tues lung, usually in the cells that line the channel conditioning. The cells in our body is always divided and copying. Usually, there is a reproductive harm diproyeksikan Tues launch and dedicated to the recovery of a specific request. Sometimes, however, of a breach. There are changes in its DNA, and the vertical mount and away from the table, it continued to proliferate without restriction. In essence, this isirritated - uncontrolled reproduction of abnormal cells and boil water in the body.
Most lung cancers are held to be found in the lining of the lungs epitel - the layer of large and small vessels Conditioning completing the mission for oxygen extraction from the air. Because of this, the lungs of fear is sometimes called bronchogenic carcinoma - a disease which arises from the bronchia. A percentage of lung cancer falls to grow in the pleura - pocket derisory networks around the lungs. This cancer iscalled Mesothelioma. The most extensive form of Mesothelioma asbestos together to display.
Lung cancer is one form of death. Although the possible need to enlarge the time, bump the track running deferred for instance in the smudge. In addition, tend to metastasis (migrated to other parts of the body) early, fewer opportunities to mutate Tues commotion grass with surgery or radiation. After the lungs do not extend bermetastasis, tight-tight spreadthe most vulnerable and important organs of the body, especially the adrenal gland, liver, and bone fled.
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