±1±: Now is the time Mesothelioma - Beyond The TV Ads! - Selecting A Specialist, New Approaches Order Today!
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the tissue linings of your bodys internal organs. The name comes from the main tissue affected, which is known as mesothelium responsible for producing a special fluid to enable movement of the organs. Among the organs that mesothelium protects include the stomach, lungs, and heart. Therefore, most cases of mesothelioma begin at any one of these organs. The extent of the tumor though can either be benign or cancerous.
Table of Contents:
Mesothelioma - What Causes it?
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Stages and Treatment Options - Overview
Chemotherapy and Radiation
New Approaches and Palliative Care
Selecting a Specialist
Considering a Cancer Center
Managing Your Care
Veterans and Asbestos Disease
Veterans and Mesothelioma Detection
Veterans and Asbestos Exposure
Clinical trials and Eligibility
Current Trials
Getting Past the Ambulance Chasers
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